Why Breakfast is My Favorite Time of the Day (And Why It Should Be Yours Too!)

Laurel Greenfield

There's something really special to me about breakfast time. My apartment is quiet and the day hasn't officially started. I usually eat one of two things for breakfast: toast with eggs or toast with avocado. I go through phases with each. Avocado toast every day for 3 months and then the thought of avocado doesn't sound appealing anymore and I'll switch to eggs, and around I'll go again.

No matter what breakfast I've chosen for the morning I take my time making it. Each step is a little mini process on its own. But before I even take food out of the fridge, I make myself some green tea. It's morning muscle memory at this point. I can't start most days without it. Then comes the toast. I take it out of the fridge (yes I keep my bread in the fridge) and toast up two pieces until they're perfectly browned and crisped in the toaster oven. If I felt fancy during my last trip to the grocery store, I'll have Kerrygold butter on my toast. Then I'll add either half an avocado - thinly sliced and carefully layered on the toast - or eggs, usually scrambled with butter, but over easy if Jeff makes them for me on the weekends. And if there are eggs, there is always ketchup!

Then it's straight to the kitchen table. The plain wood table belonged to my grandma when she lived with us in Poughkeepsie. We had to get rid of the chairs because they were falling apart, but the table is still with us. I face the window, which faces another building and just enjoy my time in the quiet. Usually it's sunny out and even though we don't exactly get direct sunlight, the quality of the indirect light is beautiful I think. It's warm, soft, and quiet. It gives a comforting glow to the kitchen and living room.

I set the table for one during the weekday mornings. I have my breakfast plate, either a rooster plate from my mom's old set of dishes or a plate from West Elm featuring an illustration of a gilded dapper goat. Then I have my water glass, one of my jewel-toned cups from a set I got at Marshall's. Then my mug. I have two favorites. One I got from Jeff for Hanukkah the first year we lived together. It's cream colored and has a decorative blue band at the top and a fancy bottom. The other I got from one of the first craft shows I brought my art to. It's speckled and grey and has a nice weight to it.

The first few hours of my day are my favorite. The whole day is stretched out before me and anything can happen. My day often ends up going in a different direction than I planned, but if my morning starts right with a little calm and quiet it doesn't bother me as much. I've been trying to be more present in the morning to really enjoy it. It's easy to scroll through my phone while I'm making an eating my breakfast, but I've been experimenting with keeping it on airplane mode until after I've eaten. Some days it's hard and I feel an instinctual urge to check it and scroll for a distraction, but I've been trying lately to let the need for my phone pass and just enjoy the breakfast I've made!

I've been wanting to capture my morning breakfast ritual in a series of paintings for a while now, but I wasn't sure what they'd look like. I've been working on four canvases that capture my breakfast table for one in the quiet morning light. They include my beloved avocado toast and eggs, of course. They also feature my favorite fruits (strawberries and cherries) served in bowls from my Boston kitchen. Bacon and pancakes make an appearance too. I'm not the world's biggest bacon fan, but the smell reminds me of weekend breakfasts growing up. The pancakes are a nod to my brother and sister. We used to set up the electric griddle and make the "feather pancakes" recipe we all got in 6th grade from school. All of them make me smile and I'm excited to share them with you and invite you into my morning breakfast ritual!

The four canvases will be released on Sunday June 17th at 10 am. If you'd like to be notified when the breakfast painting series is released, enter your email HERE!

Laurel Greenfield Painting